The Need for TRAIN
The Birth of TRAIN
Together with the Public Health Foundation, KMI Learning developed TrainingFinder Real-time Affiliate Integrated Network (TRAIN) in 2003. KMI brought with them their highly customizable LMS. With the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and 20 state affiliates, KMI brought on their customizable LMS, a platform that is flexible enough to change with the needs and demands of what has now become 43 affiliates including 32 states,, yet structurally sound enough to support all its users. The LMS is set up to handle mulitple organizations, portals, branding, 3rd party course providers, distributed administration for all member affiliates… The list goes on. And while the system is outward-facing, serving both users and affiliates, it is also forward-facing, with a finger on the pulse of current trends, and an eye to the future.
Feature-Rich and Future-Focused
TRAIN’s LMS boasts a range of features, including support for multiple organizations, portals, branding, 3rd party course providers, and distributed administration for member affiliates. It is a platform that not only serves users and affiliates effectively but also stays ahead of the curve by keeping an eye on current trends and future requirements.