IaC: Identity and Access Management in AWS


Number of Seats Price per Seat
1-20 $30.00
21-50 $27.00
51-100 $22.00
101-500 $17.00
501-1000 $15.00
1001+ Contact us


Welcome to the Infrastructure as Code: Identity and Access Management in AWS course. AWS offers several technologies to assist you in moving forward with Infrastructure as Code, including CloudFormation, Cognito, and Lambda, to name a few. CloudFormation delivers the ability to write templates, in either JSON or YAML, that automate the provisioning and configuration of various services and resources, including AWS Cognito and AWS Lambda. This course will provide learners with an understanding of how to implement multiple Identity & Access Management controls using Infrastructure as Code.
The Identity & Access Management controls covered in this course are driven by emerging research and industry-recognized standards and practices. Such controls include:

– Multifactor Authentication
– Cryptographic Authentication
– Single Sign-On, Passwordless Authentication
– Adaptive Authentication
– Deny Resource Access by Default
– Enforce Level of Least Privilege

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